
Ms Yongxue Shi successfully completed her PhD Defense on January 21, 2019. She made a final presentation also for GSS program on January 23, 2019. Her PhD is entitled “ANALYZING AND CATEGORIZING FLOOD DISASTER-RELATED TWEETS FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE (危機対応を目的とした洪水災害関連ツイートの分析と分類 )”. Congratulations, Seki-san!
2018 Fiscal year JSCE Kansai Chapter scientific conference was held at Kobe university.
5 students from our lab attended this conference; Yamamoto-san, Sugawara-san, Miyake-san, Togashi-san and Matsumoto-san.
Yamoto-san won a best presentation award in his session. Congratulations Yamamoto-san!!!!
Prof. Takara moves officially to Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS) at Kyoto University from April 2018 as a dean and professor of GSAIS.
For this special occasion, he gave a special seminar at DPRI after 24 years of his dedications and contributions in research and education in our institute.
On May 26, 2017, Prof. Jeffrey J. McDonnell (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) and Prof. Murugesu Sivapalan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) visited DPRI to give special lectures on environmental hydrology. Prof.Yasuto Tachikawa from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, also gave a talk on recent research activities on climate change impact assessment in Japan. We spend great “five hours” on learning and discussing fundamental hydrologic science and engineering with about 65 participants including outside of Kyoto University. Thanks Jeff and Siva for all the way to Kyoto!
I attended 2015 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. This meeting is the largest conference in geophysical science including hydrology and natural hazards, with more than 23,000 oral and poster presentations!
I presented two papers, one of which is about the flood hazard mapping with a brief report on the Kinu River flooding by a poster, and the other one is on the classification of world river basins published by Fernandez and Sayama (HESS, 2015) by oral and poster. It is always nice to meet many colleagues in the conference and catch up the latest scientific progress in the field.
Takahiro Sayama