We had our lab end-year party on December 27th, 2017 and at the same time, the birthdays in December were celebrated.
We had a lot of fun~~~~
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Lab room cleaning
Welcome party and birthday party
水文・水資源学会 in 北見
Farewell Party, Otsukare Party and Birthday Party
We held a farewell party on 31 August, 2017 for Hendy-san and Khailin’s san. And we also held the Otsukare party for Togashi-san and Matsumoto-san for their hard working on entrance examination. At the same time, we celebrate the birthday party for Inoue-san, Tien-san and Togashi-san whose birthdays are in July, June and August. Congratulations~~
Defense of Dr. Chong
The defense of Dr. Khailin Chong has been successfully held on 28 August, 2017.
Takara-sensei, Tachikawa-sensei and Sayama sensei and students from Takara lab have attended this defense.
Dr. Chong’s defense title is ” Estimating Time of Concentration by Reflecting Flood Inundation Effects and Hazard Mapping”.
Congratulations to Dr. Chong! We wish you a bright future~~~
2017 Fiscal year Japan Society of Civil Engineers(JSCE) Kansai Chapter Scientific Conference
2017 Fiscal year JSCE Kansai Chapter scientific conference was held at Osaka Institute of technology. Miyake-san and Sugawara-san from Takara lab attended this conference.
miyake-san gave a presentation on “RRI モデルを用いたリアルタイム浸水マッピングのため
Sugawara-san gave a presentation on”山体地下における不飽和浸透の解析解に関する研究”.
Sugawara-san won the best presentation award in his session, congratulations~~~
Special Seminar on Environmental Hydrology
On May 26, 2017, Prof. Jeffrey J. McDonnell (University of Saskatchewan, Canada) and Prof. Murugesu Sivapalan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) visited DPRI to give special lectures on environmental hydrology. Prof.Yasuto Tachikawa from Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, also gave a talk on recent research activities on climate change impact assessment in Japan. We spend great “five hours” on learning and discussing fundamental hydrologic science and engineering with about 65 participants including outside of Kyoto University. Thanks Jeff and Siva for all the way to Kyoto!
Cheery-blossom Party
Takara sensei’s Kanreki Party
on March 25, 2017. About 60 people from 15 different countries were celebrated Takara sensei’s 60 years birthday (Kanreki) for him. Most of the participants are the graduated students from Takara lab. Takara family members are located all around the world. Congratulations, Takara sensei, we hope you boundless happiness and a longlong life.